Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You've Been Ambushed

Ambush marketing may seem inconsiderate, but it's business. And, it works. At least it can work. 
Take those pedicabs you see around downtown city areas, for example. Whenever a big event is going on downtown, whether it be at the San Diego Convention center, or Embarcadero, or maybe Petco Park, the pedicabs show up when the event is over to sell their service. These events don't hire the pedicabs to wait outside to take their guests to their cars or hotels. But the pedicabs know where the potential customers will be and ambush the area. 

Sometimes ambush marketing fails. We all watched the 2012 London Olympics, right? Well, what you didn't see is ambush marketing. Do you know why? The Olympics has brand police that make sure there are no non-sponsor companies sneaking into the Olympics to try and market their brand. 
And what you really REALLY don't see? The Olympics have an official condoms supplier for the olympic athletes. It's true. But when there was talk of an ambush supplier coming in, the brand police took a tweet from one olympic athlete very seriously and looked into it. So if you were planning on trying ambush marketing at the Olympics, just don't. You're not going to make it.

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